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Attendance Matters!

Texas law requires students ages 6-19 to attend school each day that instruction is provided. This also applies to students who are younger than six and have previously been enrolled in 1st grade and to students younger than six who are voluntarily enrolled in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten.


Did you know: 

  • Texas law requires students to be in attendance at least 90% of the time in order to receive credit for the semester.  

  • 90% means a student cannot miss more than 8 days in a semester.  

  • Attendance can be a better predictor of whether students will graduate from high school than test scores.

  • Parents/guardians can check their student’s attendance through the Parent Portal. 



Excused Absences: 

  • Required court appearances
  • Documented healthcare appointments for the student
  • Mental health or therapy appointments
  • Activities related to obtaining US citizenship (for the student)
  • College visits (Juniors and Seniors only- 2 per year)
  • Death of an immediate family member
  • School-related Activities
  • Personal illness of the student (school accepts 3 parent notes per semester before a doctor's note is required

*Appropriate documentation must be provided 

Unexcused Absences: 

  • Family vacations, trips, cruises
  • Leaving campus during class or lunch period without authorized permission
  • Oversleeping
  • Babysitting for family members
  • Translating for family members
  • Missing the bus
  • Car trouble
  • Absence without written notification from parent/guardian
  • Wedding/graduation ceremonies

Types of Absences

Attendance FAQs






90% Attendance For Credit


What Does The 90% Rule Mean For Your Child?

  • In addition to Texas compulsory attendance laws, districts are required to enforce the 90% rule which states that students in grades Kindergarten through 12th must attend a class for 90% of the time it is offered to receive credit or a final grade.  This rule applies even if your child has an IEP or 504 Plan. 
  • The average school year is 180 days.  This means your child can only miss 18 days (or parts of a day) of school or 18 days (or parts of a day) of a specific class.  Since Chapel Hill High School is on a semester scehdule, this number is cut in half. Students must meet each semester 90% attendance rule in order to receive credit for each semester. 
  • A student who is in attendance for at least 75 percent, but less than 90 percent, of the days a class is offered, may be given credit or a final grade if the student completes a plan approved by the attendance committe that provides for the student to meet the instructional requirements of the class.
  • The 90 percent rule applies to all absences (excluding those exempt by law), including excused absences.

What Can You Do If Your Child Falls Below 90% Compulsory Attendance?

  • If the student drops below 90% attendance but attends class at least 75% of the days the class is offered, the student may earn credit for the class by completing a plan approved by the principal or campus attendance review committee which allows the student to fulfill the instructional requirements for the class. 
  • If a student falls below the 75% attendance rate or has not completed the plan approved by the principal, the student will be referred to the Campus Attendance Review Committee and they will review the reasons for your student's absences, review performance, and determine if there are extenuating circumstances for the absences.  If extenuating circumstances exist, the committee will develop a plan that will allow the student to regain credit or a final grade lost due to attendance.  Each plan will be unique and based on individual students' circumstances.
  • The student or parent may appeal the Attendance Review Committee's decision to the building principal. 




Which Absences are Exempt From The 90% Rule?

State law allows for exemptions to the compulsory attendance requirements for several types of absences if the student makes up all assigned work and turns in the appropriate documentation.  In addition, the appointment must be for the student.  The following activities are exempt:

All Grade Levels

  • Religious Holy Day
  • Required Court Appearance
  • Activities Related to US Citizenship
  • Documented Health Care Appointments (must attend school on the same day as the appointment)
  • Students in the Conservatorship of the State
  • Students of Military Families

Secondary Grade Levels

  • College Visit (11th & 12th Grade Only)
  • Students Pursuing Enlistment in the Armed Services
  • Serving as an Early Voting or Election Clerk
  • Sounding Taps at a Funeral

Saturday School Dates

Truancy Enforcement

Texas Education Code 25.085 and 25.0915

Chapel Hill ISD enforces Texas compulsory attendance laws in the following ways: 

            When a student ages 6–18 incurs three or more unexcused absences within a four-week period, the law requires the school to send notice to the parent. The notice will:

             ● Remind the parent of his or her duty to monitor the student’s attendance and require the student to attend school; 

             ● Request a conference between school administrators and the parent; and

             ● Inform the parent that the district will initiate truancy prevention measures, including a behavior improvement plan, school-based community 

                  service, referrals to counseling or other social services, or other appropriate measures.

A court of law may impose penalties against the parent if a school-aged student is deliberately not attending school. The district may file a complaint against the parent if the student incurs ten or more unexcused absences within a six-month period in the same school year. If a student age 12–18 incurs ten or more unexcused absences within a six-month period in the same school year, the district, in most circumstances, will refer the student to truancy court.


Truancy Prevention Measures